Friday, June 10, 2016

2016 Voter's Guide: "With Shekels Come Shackles"

   After the Revolutionary War, the federal government had a hard time recruiting exceptional candidates for federal offices.  Under the Articles of Confederation, the real place to wield power and influence was the individual states.  If you wished to make a difference in our new nation, you joined the state.  The power of the federal government was held in check by thirteen state governments.  The money which supported the federal government came from the state governments.
     How much different is the political landscape today!  States send lobbyists to Washington, D.C. to fight for their fair share of the economic pie.  Highways and schools are built and supplied with federal dollars.  State healthcare is constructed along federal guidelines.  Schools were recently issued a new social guideline and then threatened with losing funds if they did not comply.
     Here is the problem with amassing the resources and power at the Federal level.  Government far removed from the oversight and accountability of citizens produces rules and regulations for dispensing those funds.  The funds are taken from the states and localities.  The funds are then lobbied for according to federal priorities.  If the federal government wants to make progress in advancing some new social agenda, it needs only to tie that agenda to the distribution of funds. 
     The Chancellor of the University from which I graduated was fond of saying "With Shekels come shackles."  When a state, locality, or individual is on the receiving end of the public dole, the government will make the rules by which you will get the money.  You are no longer free to hold an opposing view.  Those who choose to go another way will end up paying twice- the federal government will get their share.  Your schools, roads, and healthcare will suffer for your independent thinking.  You are no longer free to do what you believe is best for your constituents.
     This fall, vote for those candidates who recognize a loss of freedom to the federal government.  Vote for those who vow to return the freedom to the hands of the people. 

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