Sunday, June 19, 2016

2016 Voter's Guide: Undermining the Will of the People

     The government that the Framers gave us for safe-keeping was designed to be protected by the vote of the people.  New laws came from Congress because it had the most accountability to the people of the nation.  If a law was proposed over which a majority of the people objected, the bill was voted down or the legislators were voted out.  Government learned to be responsive to the voice of the people.
      In recent years, special interest groups  have been able to accomplish their goals without the consent of the people.  For example, abortion is not the law of the land because the people voted it so.  Many other issues could also be listed and the people have watched as their voice in moral and political matters has been stripped away.
     How to circumvent the will of the people has been taught at major universities.  Grow government to extraordinary lengths through public debt.  Distribute massive funds for poverty, welfare and healthcare so that the populace becomes dependent on those things.  Promote class warfare and control religion and education.  Collect the guns.  The Federal government becomes an omnipotent, yet uncaring father and freedom is traded for the security provided.
     Power needs to return to the vote of the people.  The government is there to serve the people, not the reverse.  Candidates who advance their agenda behind the scenes rather than opening declaring and debating their goals must be voted out.   This fall, the people must speak clearly by their vote.  Vote for those leaders who believe in being accountable to the people.

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