Saturday, April 10, 2010

Seven Steps to Giving a Testimony

Seven Steps to Giving a Testimony

1. Make Jesus the hero. Tell about his grace, love, mercy or help. The goal is to help others follow Christ better by your example.
2. Focus your testimony to one life lesson. What did God teach you through that experience, answered prayer, period of suffering, or miraculous intervention? Explain your testimony in a way that will help others learn the same life lesson.
3. Add a verse that briefly explains the biblical basis for your testimony.
4. Be careful with the past. Tell what God did. Don’t describe the past in such detail that the listener thinks you’d like to go back!
5. Talk about failures too. By sharing successes and failures, we give a hopeful picture to those who want to follow in our train.
6. Short is better than long. Share your life lesson, how God worked, and a Bible verse to show you have interpreted the lesson correctly. Most people wander because they feel like they need to fill time. Instead, stand and share confidently, then sit down. Practice with a friend. Have him check for clarity, focus, and time.
7. Pray. We share our testimony because we want to give examples of Christ’s faithfulness to us in our individual lives. We want others to be willing to follow him too. Ask God to help your testimony achieve the end of glorifying Him!

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