Friday, April 9, 2010

Harassed and Helpless

When Jesus watched crowds coming to hear the Good News, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36). Anxiety, sadness, stress, weariness, and fear. The enemy was closing in on his prey. Collapse was imminent.
This is the natural state of the unbeliever. Satan pursues his kill with unrelenting zeal. There is a growing realization in the mind of his prey that all his energy, speed, and cunning have been expended in vain. The race is coming to an end.
Too often, however, it has been reflective of my own spiritual state. In the life of a sheep, the shepherd makes all the difference. Water, food, and protection all come from his skill, his rod and staff. The life and health of the sheep is in his hands alone. What does it say to the watching world if I appear harassed and helpless? Worse, what does it say about my Shepherd?

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