Friday, November 7, 2008

What Does Integration Look Like in the Local Church?

What can the church do to support the idea of integration in religion and education?
  • Reinforce the idea that science and religion deal with the same kind of truth
  • Remind us that the standard for any kind of truth is always scripture
  • Help us to see the application of scripture at work in many different areas of life: Work. Family Life, Sex, Economics, Politics, Relationships, and Education
  • Try creating events in which hands-on integration can take place

In our church, we are trying a few ways to foster such integration. Design Detectives teaches hands-on science while pointing to the Creator as Designer and Sustainer at every opportunity. Our new Economics club (not yet named) will attempt to teach in an intergenerational way the principles of handling money, making money, debt, investment, work, and stewardship. We propose to show that God's principles in Economics work every time they are tried.

If you have ideas, I'd love to hear them. Showing how God fits in every area of knowledge is good integration. Good integration leads to an accurate understanding of the world around us.

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