Friday, November 14, 2008

Come, Let Us Walk...

"Come, O House of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord." Isaiah 2:5

According to Isaiah 2, "the mountain of the Lord's temple will be established as chief among the mountains." The picture is of a time when the glory of God, his ways and his law, are valued supremely by all nations. Nations who have lost their way and forgotten God's law, will rejoice in its rediscovery when the law goes out from Zion.
Nations will come from the ends of the earth to the place where God dwells to worship and to learn, not to know about God, but to know him in such a way that they are moved to walk in all his ways. There will descend upon those nations, when the whole world sits under the authority of Christ, a settled peace and security. They will no longer teach the ways of war to their children because they no longer fear. The authority of God will be a cloak of protection around them.
At this time, I too will walk with pilgrims to Zion. My transformed nature will be wholly Christ's and I will marvel at the zeal reflected in the face of my friend. He will tell me how God's law has transformed his nation and reformed his culture. He rejoices at how quickly God's principles have changed everything for him.
He turns to me: "God's word has changed everything for us. Our nation rejoices and trembles at it. How long have you had it?"
We walk on to worship in silence. Did the same Word yield its soul-transforming power in my life that efficiently? On that day, will my testimony rivel his or will I walk on in sanctified shame?

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