Saturday, November 8, 2008

Obstacles to Integration

    1. Where a two-tier theory of truth prevails, integration is impossible. The two areas are like apples and oranges. They allow no admixture.
      2. Training of teachers at secular schools has given them a sense of mastery in the content area without reference to God.
      3. Integration is impossible with an unsure hermeneutic of Biblical revelation. It will be an easier task for those who hold to biblical inspiration and authority. An added step will be necessary for those who must determine whether the passage is from God or wonder if the passage was meant for us.
      4. Tolerance and pluralism will be obstacles, not in the sense of differing opinions within Christianity, but in the sense of showing deference to other religions or no religion.
      5. Integration is a bigger challenge in some areas because the content of that discipline is in rebellion to the word of God. Many areas of law, science, and sociology will need to be reconsidered. Even Theology will not be immune. Integration may require the revision of knowledge in the content area, if it can be shown that biblical teaching demands it.
      6. The nature of man will also kick against the implications of integration. Every new insight gained will have moral and spiritual implications. The heart will need to remain submissive to the work of the Holy Spirit, even as it wrestles with a "secular" discipline.

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