Friday, January 3, 2014

The Ebb and Flow of Power

     David knew the ups and downs of leadership.  One day, God promised him the kingship.  Another day, Ziklag was burned, his family kidnapped, and his 'mighty men' threatened to kill him.  Imagine also the struggles of Jesus, to whom all power had been given, choosing not to use it for His own deliverance.
     Throughout a person's life, there is a natural ebb and flow to power.  As children, we are powerless to provide for our basic necessities.  As adults, we learn to stand on our own.  When we form a family, God gives us power over our children so that we may produce a godly seed (Malachi 2:15).
     Our power in the workplace rises or falls over the course of our lives.  Good decisions increase our power.  Bad decisions weaken it.  Sometimes the decisions of others affect our power.  And at the end, parents, CEOs, presidents, and kings all lay their power down.
     My soul has followed this ebb and flow of influence.  I have known the elation of turning around the financial fortunes of a mission school and to have an accrediting team bless our efforts to reach Amerasian children with a Christian education.  Sometimes, there is a wonderful synergy of energies toward a common goal.  Everyone gives input, everyone shares in the excitement of accomplishment.
     I have also worked where the was an unusual stubbornness, competing goals, and an independent spirit that compromised spiritual accomplishment.  I have known the depression that comes from trying to be creative, yet feeling alone in ministry.  In conflict, I have played mediator to warring factions and I have had people vote to take my power away.  How can we protect ourselves from these inevitable struggles with power?

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