Monday, December 14, 2009

The Irony of a Short-term Memory

It was meant to be an encouragement to a young leader. The unity of the people, the vow of support. But the words ring hollow: "Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you."
Forgotten are their complaints over the lack of water or its bitterness and the lack of meat. Forgotten also is the matter of a golden calf and continuing complaints over Moses' leadership. The 10 spies' report and 40 years of wandering were hardly testimony to a consistent obedience.
The leader must not be too judgmental. Good intentions are there. Holy desires. Hope for a better future. The leader will need strength and courage to follow through, but he will also need compassion for God's people. He must have an eye to see what they can and will become. He must forgive and lead with loving perseverance.
If there is irony in the vow, there is also hope for change. If Joshua can forget the people's failures in the past, his own short-term memory loss, he will be free to lead with new energy and joy.

Lord, give us unity of Spirit in all that You call us to be and to do. Help us forgive each other, trust each other, and rejoice together in Your promises.

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