Sunday, November 29, 2009

Epaphras Wrestling Club: Prayer and Hard Work

Epaphras is a good example of intercession in another regard. Paul assures the Colossians and others in Macedonia that Epaphras works hard on their behalf. His ministry includes working hard in prayer. It also includes serving them well as a minister of Christ.

Epaphras' prayers are not of the 'be ye warmed and well-filled" variety. James warns against the kind of prayer that blesses others in words but withholds the material gift when it was in the hands to give. Epaphras works for the benefit of those he serves. He gives what he can. Then he takes their case before God's throne for God's provision.

Intercession is a ministry that demands a full heart. Love for people. Love for God. Giving time. Giving resources. Praying. Working. Follow the example of Epaphras:

"I vouch for him that he is working hard for you and for those at Laodicea and Hieropolis."

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