Sunday, November 8, 2009

Epaphras Wrestling Club: Meet Our Founder

The apostle Paul introduces us to Epaphras (Colossians 4:12-13) with two phrases that are vital to effective intercession. Epaphras is "one of you" and a "servant of Christ Jesus." Epaphras was a bridge between the community he loved and the Redeemer who loved both him and them.

"One of You"
  • He identified with them. He knew the spiritual struggles, the physical circumstances, and emotional needs of the people he ministered to.
  • He understood community. He held no illusions about himself or others. Raised among them, they knew his strengths and weaknesses. His training and his association with Paul had not drawn him away from a burden for his own people.
"A Servant of Jesus Christ"
  • He was allied with Christ. His first loyalty was to Him. Epaphras identified with those he ministered to, but he never forgot who owned his heart.
  • Because of his unswerving allegiance to Christ, those he prayed for could take great confidence in his intercession. Knowing Christ was his first love gave his ministry both stability and security.
  • The Great commandments, loving God and loving men, were his heartbeat. He served others out of the overflow of his love for God. Christ provided what the people needed through his servant, and the people were drawn to God as a result.
  • The Great Commission was his marching orders. His prayer was aligned with his task. He wrestled for the believers in Laodicea and Hieropolis because he longed to see them mature in Christ. His requests on their behalf were always in line with God's will for them because he was Christ's servant first.
If we would take up the mantle of Epaphras, we too must love Christ first, then love our people for His sake.

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