Friday, October 15, 2010

Forfeiting Grace

"Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs. Jonah 2:8

Grace is not always spread about in equal measure. It is true that the goodness of God is available to all through the cross of Christ. It is also true that there is more grace available to those who will combine their faith with the promises of God.
In this verse, Jonah warns those who cling to idols (anything we consider more important than God)that their dedication will be useless. In the end, time dedicated to idolatry is worthless. Energy, resources and wealth are wasted.
This is not the worst loss, however. What was the potential of the time, energy, resources and wealth? What else did God want to do that didn't get done? What grace and reward might have accrued to our account at the Judgment Seat of Christ? Let us abandon our idols today and plead for grace. More grace.

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