Saturday, December 6, 2008

Evidence of Imprecation in the New Testament

For those who are unsure about imprecation, there is evidence of cursing in the New Testament. In Mark 11, Jesus cleanses the temple of those who stand in the way of authentic worship and he curses a fig tree because of its fruitlessness. Paul tells us to do good to those who hate us because we heap burning coals on their heads (Romans 12:19-20). He has strident words for those who pervert the gospel (Galatians 1:8-9) and he is confident of judgment in store for one who has caused him much trouble in ministry (Alexander the Metal worker- II Timothy 4:14-15). In Revelation 6:10, the martyred saints call for vengeance from under the throne. Cases like these in the New Testament give evidence that imprecatory prayers may have validity today.

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