Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's a God-centered World

Our world is undeniably God-centered. God is Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, and the one who defines me..
As our Creator, every cell, every planet, every star shouts the design and handiwork of God.
· One intricate cell in my body contains more factories than our planet.
· Our planet boasts water, air, an iron and nickel core, and a decent size moon.
· There are over twenty essential items necessary for life on our planet. Take away one and you take away life. The environment in which we live was designed for us.
Our planet also boasts a front porch look at the universe. The heavens can be seen because of our position in the solar system and our position in the Milky Way. It’s almost as if we were designed to discover.
Richard Dawkins and others have suggested that life was seeded, intentionally or unintentionally, on this planet by an alien. Is it really so difficult to believe that God created? Are we so afraid of admitting responsibility before God that we would rather make Roswell, New Mexico our Mecca? Proposing an alien as a cause for the beauty and design inherent in all things is preposterous. It doesn’t even answer the question it was meant to ultimately answer. Where did the alien come from?
Our world also shows evidence of the need for redemption. While the design is clearly evident, it is marred. Disease attacks life. Sin mars man. Creation groans. A Redeemer is needed to bring about the restoration. The cross in the middle of time marks the place where the redemption price was paid.
If I am made in the image of God, then God defines who I am. As Creator, He has fashioned me as He pleased. He has linked my purpose to Himself: “Let us make man in our image.” I have to know God before I can recognize what it means to be a man. Our image displays His glory to powers seen and unseen. Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer are all reflected in the image of man.
To put you or me at the center of the universe is to defame God and destroy the purpose of man. To put nature at the center instead of the One who made it is to mistake the effect for the cause. We must put God at the center. We can understand nothing else until we understand this. The center of the universe is also the beginning of wisdom.

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