Monday, August 5, 2024

The Sermon on the Mount: The Rabbi Takes His Seat (Matthew 5:1-2)

     There are two groups of people who gather to hear Jesus speak.  The inner circle is the disciples, recently called from their occupations to follow Christ.  Daily they listen to Jesus' words, daily they marvel at his works and his character.  They have opportunity to ask questions out of their own need and to listen as Jesus shares both wisdom and compassion with his disciples.

     The outer circle is the crowd, already gathering to hear his words and marvel at his works.  The crowd will be amazed at his teaching.  He will reverse many of their religious assumptions, like who is truly blessed by God and what kind of person is called to inherit the Kingdom of God.  Soon enough, the crowd will divide into followers and critics, people who want bread and people who want life.

     If you were called to follow Christ, you would follow behind, listen to his daily advice, conversation, and informal instruction.  It was the custom, however, that when the rabbi took his seat, the disciples would quickly gather at his feet and listen with rapt attention.  It was time for more formal instruction.  Matthew underscores this by using a Hebraism:  "He opened his mouth and taught them saying..."  The phrase indicates that what follows from the lips of Jesus comes with a significant measure of deliberateness and sobriety.  It is time to listen.

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