Friday, August 23, 2024

The Non-Prayer of Simon the Pharisee for the Tearful Woman at Jesus' Feet

 Mourning can teach us how to pray for a wayward relative or a wayward culture.  Because we don't want to wallow in misery and regret, consider the following as you mourn in prayer for another.

1.  Mourning:  By understanding the ways of God and the rebellion of man, you can pray with greater focus and intensity.  Learn to walk with that person through the consequences of sin, feel their pain, ask for their repentance.

2.  Yearning:  As I pray for my friend or my nation in the predicament of judgment and sin, let me yearn for something more.  They were made to reflect the character and glory of God.  They were made in His image.  The relationship with God that could bring them contentment and satisfaction has eluded them.  What a blessing it would be for them to find Christ, to turn from their ways, and to reflect His glory!

3.  Worship:  Now my prayer turns from my friend to the God who made them, their Creator, Redeemer, and Judge.  God's justice is impartial and perfect.  His offer of forgiveness through Christ, His grace and mercy are beautiful.  O That all people might wonder after such a God as this!

4.  Intercession:  Having seen my friend as he is, and God as He is, I long that they find each other.  I intercede on behalf of my friend.  I know that "the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord and God turns it however he pleases."

I can imagine in my mind, if Simon had been a different sort of religious man, that he might have prayed for the sinful woman, the tearful woman at Jesus' feet.  He could have left us a pattern, how to pray for our wayward child, our wayward nation.  He might have prayed:

(Mourning)  "Ah, Lord, do you see the condition of my friend?  She is trapped in her sins and she can't get out.  The consequences of her actions have brought her open shame.  Her iniquities have isolated her from you and from others.  She is alone in her grief.  Her tears are just the outward evidence of the pain in her heart.  

(Yearning)  "Lord, you made her for more than this!  The image of God within her can shout your glory.  She is made for a relationship with you.  She needs to know your love and compassion, your forgiveness and healing.  What a difference you could make in her life!

(Worship)  "O God, You are a great and compassionate God.  I have known your love and forgiveness.  Your healing has brought me joy.  Your justice has been vindicated at the cross and I have been healed.  If only my friend could see your Fullness, which are my joy and delight.

(Intercession)  O Lord, heal my friend.  Dry her tears.  Heal her wounds- the ones we can see and the ones we cannot see.  Grant her repentance.  Call her to Yourself.  Make her whole.  We long to see in her what only You can do.  What you did for me, please do for her...

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